
Long live the special dot

Well, it's still there.

We made it to Tulsa yesterday and were in the middle of Target, trying to do some school shopping when my cell phone rang. It was a nurse from the doctor's office calling from her cell phone.

She said, "I'm calling you from my cell phone because we've just lost all our power at the office and the Dr. wanted me to call you before you drove all the way here. Even if we do get the power back on he won't be able to work on Marleigh now today."


Nice of them to call me since I do live an hour from the office and gas is what, eight bucks a gallon these days. Ugh. Of course, I had already drug all four kids on the hour long trip and it was way past lunch time and we still hadn't eaten so no one was in a very good mood. Certainly not a mood to take that sort of phone call.

So now I guess we wait. I was supposed to get a call from the office today to reschedule but I never did. I should have called myself but truthfully I knew the chances of getting in before school starts next Wednesday would be pretty slim. So I suppose we'll plan to do it on the afternoon of Wednesday before fall break so she'll have the long weekend to heal. Not ideal since she really wanted it gone before she started middle school and met all these new kids but what can you do?

And as a side note, apparently a lot of residences and businesses in the area of the doctors office have been having electrical problems because of the heat. It was 110 yesterday. I'd say that's hot. I'm sure a certain someone I know will say this is coming back to haunt me because I ran my washing machine at the wrong time of day a couple weeks ago. And perhaps it is. But at least my family all had clean underwear on when we were driving that hour to get to Tulsa. I mean, what if we'd had a wreck and were all wearing dirty drawers?


The Six of Us said...

I don't know what you're talking about. Damn...I need that shifty-eyed guy on here. LOL

Appleton Carpenters said...

Helllo mate nice post