

I'm cleaning today. Which is a surprise in itself. Decided to tackle the kitchen counters that continually accumulate an immense amount of clutter. I'm not sure where all that junk comes from. But today is the day it's being re-routed. Mostly to the trash can.

So in one of the stacks I found an old grocery list that had some notes on it of Tess-isms I meant to add to my blog. Gotta write these things down so I don't forget them!

Spagarus - A green vegetable that Tess thought she might like until she tried it. As in, "Mommy, acshwee I don't think I wike spagarus".

Unguns - Another vegetable that Tess doesn't like. "Tess, would you like an onion ring?" "No Mommy, I don't wike unguns."

Pursons Sign - Another name for the sign you see next to a crosswalk. "Mommy, I don't know what dose pursons signs are forwh." "What signs Tess?" "Dos signs, wiff the pursons on dem."

And now I can throw this old grocery list away.

1 comment:

vintagechica said...

Too funny! Z and I called french fries "wa-wahs" for the longest time. Now they are trying to teach W to call them that. Those little things are the things I cherish more than the big milestones! Loving your blog! No bon bons here, but Ill share my cookie dough!!!