
Smartie pants

You know how sometimes your kids your kids have a certain way of pronouncing things when they are small? And you know that they'll grow up and not say things like that anymore and you want to keep them small as long as you can so they'll always say those silly things?

Well, Selah and Tess both pronounce their r's wrong. Selah seems to be growing out of it this summer. But I can count on Tess for at least another year of silly pronounciations. For instance, the sentence "Tomorrow you need to go to the store and get more animal crackers" sounds more like, "Toomawoah you need to go to the stoowah and get moowah animal quackoors" in Tess's world.

So this evening at dinner Selah announces that Tess can now say her r's correctly. Our conversation went something like this.

Selah: Did you know Tess can say her r's now?
Mom: No I didn't know that. Tess is that true?
Tess: Yeah, listen. *concentrating really hard she says* "I are smart!"

Gotta love that girl!

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