
I'll probably regret this

Watching my weight is a huge thorn in my side. It's been a constant in my life. It's way past old. For the last several months I've been like a yo-yo just moving up and down between 10 pounds. I get to the top of that 10 pounds and feel so disgusting that I get back on track, lose 10 pounds quickly, and then go through a couple days of bingeing and the cycle just starts right over. It's a pain. And what's so frustrating is that the bottom of those 10 pounds is actually 17 pounds MORE than where I was at one point earlier in the year.

So I'm tired of this yo-yo game and decided on Monday that I was going to get back on track and not give up when I lose those first 10 pounds. I've done great all week and am already down 10 pounds. But here's where the regret is coming...

I have a headache today. And I'm in a funk. And I just want to eat. I've been really good but then 4:00 rolled around and I ended up opening the bag of sugar free reese's peanut butter cups that I bought yesterday. Thank goodness it's a small bag with just 2 servings. I've got one cup left and then the bag will be gone. My willpower sucks. Ugh.

At least they're sugar free though, right? But the sugar free stuff usually gives me the worst tummy ache ever if I induldge too much. So I'm sure I'll regret that I ate this whole bag.

It's a viscious cycle. It really, really is.

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