
Thumbs and Dots


Big changes going on around here. Big changes, I tell you.

Sadie came up to me the other night with her wubie in her hand. Her wubie is a cloth diaper, and she has several of them. She's carried them around with her since she was a baby and generally if she has it in her hand her right thumb is also in her mouth. She's in the 1st grade now and getting awfully big but just couldn't quite seem to quit the whole thumb addiction. Bless her heart. For the last year now she's been obviously aware that it was something she shouldn't be doing. I'd walk by her while she was sitting on the couch watching tv and she would look at me with those shifty little eyes while her thumb was in her mouth, just waiting for me to tell her to stop sucking it. I tried really hard not to nag. I knew she wouldn't be walking across the stage at high school graduation with her thumb in her mouth. At least I felt pretty confident about it.

So she comes up to me the other night and she's got her wubie and she's just rubbing it across her face. I looked at her and said, "You know. Looking at you and that wubie makes me think that I haven't seen you doing a certain something in quite a while". She smiled a big huge smile and said, "Sucking my thumb!"

That' it. Over and done. Just like that. Well, 7 years is quite a while but still. It doesn't seem that long ago that she was 4 months old and found that thumb and now all of the sudden she's just not interested in it. Wow.

As if that big change wasn't enough...tomorrow we visit a plastic surgeon in Oklahoma City to have Madi's special dot taken off. You may have remembered quite some time ago that we went through this same thing. Then we ended up not being able to have it done.

Now it looks like it's definitely happening. I know she'll feel better about having it removed but that special dot is part of her!

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