
Saturday May 19th

It's already started. It began this morning as I was oing to the dining room in the hotel. I started thinking about the booths on the beach, which lead me to think about a big show going on this weekend that a friend is doing, which in turn reminded me that she had offered to put some of my things in her booth and I'd forgotten to get back with her about it before I left. So of course I thought, "I need to add her to my list."

It's a snowball effect. My list. I always have it with me because I never know when I might see, hear, smell, or remember something that will need to be added to it. It's an ever growing to-do list. I haven't thought ab out it since we've been on vacation, even though I brought it with me of course. Then this morning the reality of everything I left unfinished and all the things I've yet to start that I need and or want to do came looding back to me. I wish I could just always feel relaxed and at ease like I do when I'm on vacation. But then I wouldn't be me. And I should feel blessed that at least I do have the ability to enjoy things when I need to.

My Weight Watchers weigh in this week isn't going to be pretty. I am preparing for a huge gain. I can't imagine going on a cruise and not slipping up on your healthy way of eating. How would you do that? At least I can say that I enjoyed the cruise. Hopefully I can get anything I gained right back off in the next couple of weeks.

It's been over 24 hours since we got off the ship and I still feel wobbly. I never flet really awful while we were on the ship but now that we're off I do. If I shift my weight from one foot to another I feel like the earth is spinning. Hubby feels it too and has said a couple times, "Why is the ship still moving?"

I think Selah is the only kiddo having any troubles. I assumed it was the same thing Hubby and I were feeling. However, I just leaned over to give her a kiss on herr forehead and she's on fire. I don't have a thermometer but I would say her temperature has to be at least 101. She's been struggling with a yeast infection that was diagnosed a few weeks ago and just keeps coming back. Bless her heart, I'm afraid she's inherited a life of yeast problems from me. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! She does have pink cheeks from the sun so perhaps thats why she feels warm. Who knows. At any rate, I'm hoping she's ok because after missing a week of work and school, we need to get back to normal!

Really quickly before I go I have to say that Marleigh spent her own money yesterday on a pair of CZ earrings with the Chanel logo. I wasn't crazy about them but they were only $6 so I didn't say anything. Shortly after getting them she asked what I thought about them and I said, "They're ok." Which made her mad that I didn't like them. Well the flight attendant just walked by and said, "I like your earrings!" I'm sitting directly in front of her so Marleigh just reached through the seats and poked me. I turned to see her making a face as if to say, "Ha!" LOL

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