

I've never really had it. Ever.

I remember being a young girl and thinking it would be fun to rearrange my bedroom. I'd get nearly halfway done and decide I didn't really have that much interest in it after all.

At a young age I learned to do needle point and cross stitch. I can't tell you how many of those unfinished projects I have still laying around here.

Then there is every January 1st when I make a bunch of revelations to be healthy and happy and lay off the bon bons. I'm sure you can guess how long those generally last.

I just have never been one who could stick with things. My parenting skills are no exception.

Today we had to go to OKC for Elliot's Dr.'s appointment. Tess wasn't all that good during the appointment, she was cranky and loud and I attributed it the cold or whatever it is that has plagued our family lately.

After the appointment we headed down the street to a Border's so we could look at all the books and magazines. I love a big book store and could get lost in it forever just checking out every aisle and shelf. I'm so happy that my kids have inherited my love of reading and they were all excited about looking around.

So after we'd been there for a while Tess comes up to me with a stuffed animal. Seriously? Do you know how many stuffed animals there are in this house? After 33 years and 4 kids the last thing we need is a new stuffed animal. So I explain as best as I could that she was under no circumstances getting it but that I was happy to get her a new book.

Melt down.

Yep, right there my 5 year old cried and clung to that animal like it was something she'd had her whole life that I was horribly making her give up. I think if I'd told her she could have it if she'd let me cut off her legs she would have learned to walk on her hands. She wanted it that badly. Seriously.

But I'd told her no. And for some reason at that point I decided that today is the day that I start sticking to it. No more giving in. No more threats without following through. I told her she could get a book and that was it. I also told her if she didn't chill out she'd end up with nothing. No surprise here...she didn't chill out.

As hard as it was, and it was really hard, I kept my word. She stood in the line while I was checking out just sobbing and watching all three of her siblings pass their new treasures to me to buy. When I asked her if she thought she should have minded a little better when I asked her to she flat out told me no. Nice.

I did have a talk with her afterwards and told her that from now on she needed to behave or she wouldn't get treats. I told all of them actually and they all told me they'd mind better. Now I guess we'll see if they follow through with it. And we'll see if I can finally stick to it.

By the way, the Dr. isn't 100% sure what is going on with his ear but it didn't show that it had changed in his audio today. So we're still "watching" him. Whatever that means. I wonder if he'll start doing tricks if we watch long enough.

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