
SPC - The eyes have it

For this weeks self portrait challenge we're once again showing photos of "what I wear". I wear...my eyes.

I generally wear glasses but this photo is from when Hubby and I went to Maine and I like to wear my contacts when I'm on the plane so that I can get more comfortable. Like getting comfortable is even a possibility on planes!

Anywho...on the way home my eyes were just killing me. My Dailies were on their last leg and I felt like there were cotton balls waded up underneath them. So I took them out but soon discovered I had no place to dispose of them so I just sat them on my leg.

The tiny airplane light bounced off of their rims, illuminating the blue ring that helps me locate them if they are dropped. The more I looked at them through my weary eyes the more I was amazed. I find it amazing that something so small can make such a difference in the way I can see. My vision isn't all that bad actually but you take someone like my sister who has glasses that are 8 1/2 inces thick and it's truly amazing that they can condense all that glass into a tiny contact for her.

(No, her glasses aren't really 8 1/2 inches thick but they're pretty darn close. The girl is blind I tell you.)

See what everyone else is wearing over at SPC.


Anonymous said...

You're right - they're not 8 1/2 inches thick... they're 9 inches thick!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I like the picture!

gkgirl said...

great picture
and like your take on the idea!

Margo said...

*blush* oops, hard to talk about your sister when she reads your blog! See what I mean though, even SHE admits they are that thick. Did I mention she's blind?

gkgirl...thanks for the compliments!

Anonymous said...

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nic said...

i'm w/gkgirl...i love your take on this spc. the lighting is gorgeous as well.